

Genre, migrations et emplois domestiques en France et en Italie. Construction de la non-qualification et de l'altérité ethnique..
Genre, migrations et emplois domestiques en France et en Italie. Construction de la non-qualification et de l'altérité ethnique..

(Gender, Migration and Domestic Labour in France and Italy. The Social Construction of Skill and Cultural Difference), Paris: Editions Pétra, 2013.

Edited journal issues

Ethnographies of Religion, Gender and Migration.
Ethnographies of Religion, Gender and Migration.

edited by E. Gallo and F. Scrinzi, Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa n.3, 2021.

Men in a Woman's Job. Male domestic workers, international migration and the globalization of care.
Men in a Woman's Job. Male domestic workers, international migration and the globalization of care.

edited by R. Sarti and F. Scrinzi, Men and Masculinities, 13(1), 2010.

Edited collections

Femmes, genre, migrations et mondialisation. Un état des problématiques ..
Femmes, genre, migrations et mondialisation. Un état des problématiques ..

(Women, Gender, Migration and Globalisation. The State of Current Knowledge), edited by J. Falquet, J. Freedman, A. Rabaud and F. Scrinzi, Paris: Cahiers du Cedref/University of Paris 8, 2008.


Gendering the migration-religion nexus.

Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa n.3, 2021, pp. 387-410, with E. Gallo


Religione, genere e lavoro di cura. Il caso degli uomini migranti in Italia.

Religioni & Societá, XXXII, 88, May-August 2017, special issue ‘Women, religion and gender relations’, pages 74-85.

Caring for the elderly in the family or in the nation? Gender, women and migrant care labour in the Lega Nord.

West European Politics (2017), Still Men’s Parties? Gender and the Radical Right in Comparative Perspective, edited by Silvia Erzeel (UCL, Belgium) and Ekaterina Rashkova (University of Innsbruck), 40:4, 869-886.

Gendering anti-immigration politics in Europe.

Queries n.1 (7), pages 79-90, 2012.

Men in a Woman's Job. Male domestic workers, international migration and the globalization of care.

co-authored with R. Sarti, introduction to the special issue, Men and Masculinities, 13(1), pp. 4-15, 2010.

Les migrant(e)s dans les emplois domestiques en France et en Italie : construction sociale de la relation de service au croisement des rapports sociaux de sexe, de race et de classe.

(Migrant Women and Men in the Domestic service sector in France and Italy. The social construction of the service relation at the intersection of gender, race and class), notes on the PhD research, in : Faire Savoirs ‘L'ethnicisation et la racisation des rapports sociaux en question’ (Questioning the Racialisation of Social Relations) n. 7, pp. 91-98, 2007.

Interni domestici. Lavorare “fissa” come colf e assistente famigliare...

(Interiors. Working as a Live-in Domestic Worker), Conflitti globali n.4, pp. 168-178, 2006.

Les “hommes de ménage” ou comment aborder la féminisation des migrations en interviewant des hommes

(Migrant Men Working in Domestic service. Analysing the Feminization of Migration by Interviewing Men), Migrations Société n.99/100, pp. 229-240, 2005.

Professioniste della tradizione. Le donne migranti nel mercato del lavoro domestico.

(The Professionals of Cultural Tradition. Migrant Women in Domestic Service), Polis. Ricerche e studi su società e politica in Italia, 18(1), pp. 107-136, 2004.

Les employées de maison migrantes en Italie. Ethnicisation et contrôle dans le circuit catholique à Gênes..

(Migrant domestic workers in Italy. Social control within the Catholic network), CWS/cf Canadian Women Studies/les Cahiers de la femme, 22(3/4), pp. 182-187, 2003.


‘Subaltern Victims’ or ‘Useful Resources’? Migrant Women in the Lega Nord Ideology and Politics

Gendering nationalism. Intersections of nation, gender and sexuality, edited by J. Mullholland, N. Montagna and E. Sanders-McDonagh, Palgrave MacMillan 2018, pages 241-257.

Les emplois domestiques en Italie and en France.

in: Évelyne Bechtold-Rognon et alii (sous la dir. de), Toutes à y gagner. Vingt ans de féminisme intersyndical, 83-89, Paris, Éditions Syllepse, 2017, 83-88.

‘A new French National front? Gender, religion, secularism and the French populist radical right ’.

‘A new French National front? Gender, religion, secularism and the French populist radical right ’, in: M. Köttig, R. Bitzan and A. Petö (eds), Gender and Far Right Politics in Europe, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pages 127-140, 2017.

I latinoamericani evangelici e il lavoro di cura.

in Le minoranze religiose tra passato e futuro, edited by Daniele Ferrari, Torino, Editrice Claudiana, pages 63-78, 2016.


in Encyclopédie critique Corps, genre, sexualité, in:Laure Bereni, Juliette Rennes, Armelle Andro, Catherine Achin, Luca Greco, Gianfranco Rebucini, Alexandre Jaunait and Rose-Marie Lagrave (eds), Paris: La Découverte, 2016.

A relational approach to the study of gender in radical right populism.

in: S. Magaraggia and G. Vingelli (eds), Genere e partecipazione politica (Gender and Political Participation), Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 82-94, 2015.

Donne forti in un partito virile. Rapporti di genere e militanza nella Lega nord.

(Gender relations and activism in the Northern League party), in: A. Curcio and L. Perini (eds.), Attraverso la Lega. La costruzione del consenso sul territorio e le trasformazioni della società italiana (Through the Prism of the League. The Construction of its Constituency in a Changing Italian Society), Bologna: Il Mulino, pp. 163-184, 2014.

Migrazioni, servizio domestico e rapporti di genere: il ruolo degli uomini nella divisione internazionale del lavoro di cura.

(Migration, domestic service and masculinities), in S. Palidda (ed.) Il 'discorso' ambiguo sulle migrazioni, Messina: Mesogea, pp. 115-130, 2010.

Migration, service domestique et rapports sociaux de sexe: qu'en est-il des hommes dans la division internationale du care?

(Gendered Migration and Domestic Service. The Role of Men in the International Division of Care), in: S. Palidda (ed.), Les mobilités humaines en Méditerranée au XXI siècle, Paris: Khartala, pp. 143-152, 2010.

Migrations and the Restructuring of Welfare State in Italy. Change and Continuity in the Italian Domestic Work Sector.

in: H. Lutz (ed.), Migration and Domestic Work: a European Perspective on a Global Theme, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 29-42, 2008.

Quelques notions pour penser les rapports sociaux de “race”, de classe et de sexe

(‘Race’, Class and the Sexual Division of Labour. Some Key Notions), Paris: Cahiers du Cedref/University of Paris 8, pp. 81-97, 2008.

Une division “ethnique” du travail entre les femmes?....

(An Ethnic Division of work between Women?), in: S. Pasleau and I. Schopp (eds.), Domestic Service, a Factor of Social Revival in Europe, Liège: Éditions de l'Université de Liège, pp. 245-266, 2005.

The Globalisation of Domestic Work: Women Migrants and Neo-domesticity.

in: J. Freedman (ed.), Gender and Insecurity: Migrant Women in Europe, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 77-90, 2004.

“Ma culture dans laquelle elle travaille”. Les migrantes dans les services domestiques en Italie et en France...

(Migrant domestic workers in Italy and France), Paris: Cahiers du Cedref/university of Paris 8, pp. 137-162, 2003.

Consumi culturali. I processi di etnicizzazione delle donne marocchine a Genova.

(Cultural consumption. Migrant women and the production of Otherness), in: A. Torre (a cura di), Non sono venuta per scoprire le scarpe. Voci di donne immigrate in Liguria (I didn’t come here to discover shoes. Voices of Moroccan Women living in Genoa), Roma: Edizioni Sensibili alle foglie, pp. 63-89, 2001.

Online articles

What will 2020 bring? Finding our way in a more polarised world.

McNeil-Willson, R., Gerrand, V., Scrinzi, F. and Triandafyllidou, A. (2020) What will 2020 bring? Finding our way in a more polarised world

Fermiamo la retorica 'nazional-femminista'.

M. Corsi, F. Scrinzi (2019) 'Fermiamo la retorica 'nazional-femminista'', InGenere, 30 aprile 2019.

Chiese integrate’, dialogo interreligioso e laicità.

Confronti. Mensile di Religioni, Politica, Società, magazine d’information sur les questions de religion et société, n. 11

Bureaucratized management of paid care-work.

InGenere, co-authored with S. Marchetti

Working papers

'Latin American migration, Evangelical Christianity and gender in Italy'.

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Working Papers, European University Institute, 2016.

This publication was based on a project funded by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship of the European Commission, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Global Governance Programme, 'Migrant Christianity. Migration, Religion and Work in Comparative Perspective: Evangelical ‘ethnic churches’ in Southern Europe', 2015-2018, project n. 652925.

'Gendered and racialised constructions of work in bureaucratised care services in Italy'.

co-authored with S. Marchetti,Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Working Papers, European University Institute, 2014.

Conference reports

The gendered construction of a “caring Otherness”. Migrant women working in the “care industry” in Italy and the Netherlands...

Co-authored with S. Marchetti, in: T. Caponio, F. Giordano and L. Ricaldone (eds.), WorldWideWomen. Globalizzazione, generi, linguaggio, Torino, CIRSDE (Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerche e Studi delle Donne – Research Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies) and University of Turin, 2011.

Research and policy papers

Polarisation, Violent Extremism and Resilience in Europe Today : an Analytical Framework.

McNeil-Willson, R., Gerrand, V., Scrinzi, F. and Triandafyllidou, A. (2019) Polarisation, Violent Extremism and Resilience in Europe Today : an Analytical Framework. Technical Report. BRaVE Project.

Migrant Christianity - Migration, religion and work in comparative perspective. Evangelical ‘ethnic churches’ in Southern Europe.

This is the final research report of the project Migrant Christianity, funded by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship of the European Commission, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies/Global Governance Programme, project n. 652925 (2015-2018). 

Prendersi cura della nazione. Uomini e donne militanti della Lega nord (Italia) e del Fronte nazionale (Francia).

Final research report, European Research Council, Starting Grant, 2012-2014 (Italian version).

Caring for the nation. Men and women activists in radical right populist parties.

Final research report, European Research Council, Starting Grant, 2012-2014 (English version).

Soigner la nation. Femmes et hommes militants dans la Ligue du Nord (Italie) et dans le Front National (France).

Final research report, European Research Council, Starting Grant, 2012-2014 (French version).

Uno studio comparativo della partecipazione politica delle donne e degli uomini nella Lega Nord (Italia) e nel Fronte Nazionale (Francia).

In-progress preliminary analysis report’, ERC Starting grant 2012-2014 (Italian version).

Newspaper articles

Les emplois domestiques trouvent leurs racines dans le travail féminin gratuit et bénévole...

2018, interview dans Libération, 16 Décembre, recueilli par Léa Mormin-Chauvac.