Curriculum Vitae


2015-2017, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow, European University Institute, Firenze, Italy.

2007 to date, Senior Lecturer, Sociology, University of Glasgow, UK.


Associate member of CRESPPA/GTM Genre Travail Mobilités (research centre on Gender Work Mobilities, CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research), Paris, France.

Associated member of PRESAGE - Programme de Recherche et d’Enseignement des Savoirs sur le Genre (Programme for Gendered Knowledge, Teaching and Research), Sciences Po, Paris.

Member of GRAMNet (interdisciplinary Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network), University of Glasgow.

Member of CRREN (Centre for Research on Racism, Ethnicity and Nationalism), University of Glasgow.

Member of ICGWS (International Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies), University of Glasgow.

Member of BSA (British Sociological Association).

Member of the Standing groups ‘Gender and Politics’, ‘Religion & Politics’ and ‘Extremism and democracy’ of ECPR - European Consortium for Political Research.



2013 (November – December), Visiting fellow, Sciences Po, Centre for European Studies (Centre d'études européennes), Paris, France.

2013 (February - June), Visiting professor, Department of Sociology, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy.

2006-2007, Postdoctoral fellow (Contract Researcher at the CNRS, National Centre for Scientific Research), URMIS/CNRS.

2001-2004, Assistant lecturer (monitrice), Department of Sociology, University of Nice, France.


Member of the editorial board of Sociology.

Peer-reviewer for the journals: Gender and Society, International Feminist Journal of Politics, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, Contemporary Italian Politics, Modern and Contemporary France, Social Politics, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, International Migration, Men and Masculinities, European Journal of Women’s Studies, EUI Global Governance Programme Working Papers, Ethnicities, Journal of Language and Politics.


Peer-reviewer for the publishers : Palgrave MacMillan : Basingstoke, Edward Elgar : Cheltenham, Zed Books : Londres, Ashgate : Aldershot and CIRSDE (Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerche e Studi delle Donne - Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherches et Études sur les Femmes) : Turin.

Peer-reviewer for the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council, UK.


2005, PhD in Sociology, University of Nice, France. The thesis was conducted on the basis of an international programme (convention de co-tutelle de thèse) between the University of Nice (URMIS, Unité de Recherche Migrations et Société – Research Centre on Migrations and Society) and the University of Genoa (DISA, Dipartimento di Scienze Antropologiche – Department of Anthropological Sciences). It was awarded the highest level of distinction for a PhD possible in France (Mention très honourable avec les felicitations du jury à l’unanimité).

2001, DEA (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies ≈ MRes) in Sociology Migrations et relations interethniques (Migrations and Ethnic Relations), University of Nice, France. Dissertation ranked first, and awarded with the equivalent of a Distinction (Mention très bien).

2000, Master Mediazione euro-mediterranea : investimenti economici, integrazione culturale, mobilità sociale (Mediation in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Economy, cultural integration, social mobility), University of Venice, Italy.

1999,Postgraduate specialisation course Cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo (International Co-operation for Development), Faculty of Political Science, University of Genoa, Italy.

1999, Laurea (≈ BA) in Contemporary History, University of Genoa, Italy. Awarded with the highest level of distinction possible in Italy (110 e lode).