Le politiche pubbliche nell’era digitale.

Le politiche pubbliche nell’era digitale.

Natali, D., & Guardiancich, I. (2020). Le politiche pubbliche nell’era digitale. Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, 19(1), 5-21.  

The present article introduces the main aspects of technological innovation and its potential impact on public policy. It forcefully argues for the development of a new research agenda on the interaction between the two. The article commences by clarifying the conceptual challenge pertaining to the Fourth industrial revolution, as the term Digital Era is preferrable, due the unproven existence of a paradigmatic industrial breakthrough. Next, a novel research strategy is outlined that focusses on the macro-, meso- and micro-levels of analysis, serving as a prism through which to look at the impacts of technological change on politics and policy. Employing such strategy, the article expounds the preliminary findings gathered through this special issue as well as the ensuing future research prospects in the field.

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