Polarisation, Violent Extremism and Resilience in Europe Today : an Analytical Framework.

McNeil-Willson, R., Gerrand, V., Scrinzi, F. and Triandafyllidou, A. (2019) Polarisation, Violent Extremism and Resilience in Europe Today : an Analytical Framework. Technical Report. BRaVE Project.

This paper aims to conduct a systematic and critical review of contemporary literature on processes of olarisation, the role they are perceived as playing in creating a matrix of adversities that can lead to increased vulnerability to what is often termed ‘violent extremism’, and the potential impact of practices that are understood as building pro-social resilience to such adversities. Through a wide- ranging review, taking in studies and practice on polarisation and ‘violent extremism’, the authors aim to identify a schema of what are broadly conceptualised as vulnerabilities – factors, operating on macro, meso and micro levels, which may either increase or decrease the likelihood that communities become fragmented and polarised within a European context.

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